0766443762 / 0747288131 office@wtta.ro


<html> <head> <script src=„https://unpkg.com/leaflet@0.7.7/dist/leaflet.js”></script> <script src=„https://api4.windy.com/assets/libBoot.js”></script> <style> #windy { width: 100%; height: 300px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id=„windy”></div> <script> const options = { // Required: API key key: ‘PsLAtXpsPTZexBwUkO7Mx5I’, // Put additional console output verbose: true, // Optional: Initial state of the map lat: 50.4, lon: 14.3, zoom: 5, } // Initialize Windy API windyInit( options, windyAPI => { // windyAPI is ready, and contain ‘map’, ‘store’, // ‘picker’ and other usefull stuff const { map } = windyAPI // .map is instance of Leaflet map L.popup() .setLatLng([50.4, 14.3]) .setContent(„Hello World”) .openOn( map ); }) </script> </body> </html>